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The field of law lends itself to impassioned and often emotional disputes the likes of which can lead to immense personal distress. In circumstances such as these, one should seek out an attorney who is able to step back from the fray and dispense advice in a calm, rational and objective manner.


Our focus is on both litigation and mediation which, despite regular misconception, are complimentary concepts. We promote open and frank engagement in an attempt to limit the significant costs of a court trial. Litigation however is not always avoidable and we have formidable strengths in both arenas.


Our family law department offers services relating to:

  • Divorce, both contested and uncontested;

  • Disputes relating to parental rights and responsibilities;

  • Issues relating to children and their rights in law;

  • Family disagreements and disputes;

  • Family violence;

  • Maintenance;

  • Curatorship of the elderly and/or cognitively impaired

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